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About Me

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North Georgia, United States
I have been an artist for as long as I can remember and photography is my passion. I used to be a successful fine artist, but since I shot my first wedding I never looked back. I am madly and completely in love with weddings, I guess it is the romantic in me :)

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Storms and Such!

My heart goes out to all the people in the Dallas area........but I do hope these storms don't decide to move into our area. We have had enough of them in the last couple of years. It is all so girlfriend in Scotland had a real bad snow storm today and last week it was in the 70s there. Everything is upside down as far as the weather goes lately. Last year it wiped out so many of the beautiful homes around Lake Burton. I had not been over there since that storm until last week and I was so upset when I saw the damage those people still looked bad and it has almost been a year. I have a few friends and previous clients that live in the Dallas area and I hope and pray they are all ok.

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